Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gov. Perry VS. Sen, Kay bailey hutchinson

In Gromer Jeffer Jr. article "Perry Camp Digs for Dirt On Hutchinson At Dallas County Hall". He states " a political operative working for Governor Perry asked Dallas City Hall; for documents concerning Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. A signal that the campaign for Governor could include personal attacks. I guess Perrys operatives have alot of time on their hands considering the election isn't for two more years. Really isn't there any pressing issues he could be working on? The politicians call this "Opps" short for Opposition Research. Perry's team are definantly not procrastinators, I'll give them that! The governor is interested in whether or not Senator Hutchinson has bailed out her husbands bond company since she has been in D.C..
I think our representatives should be spending their time more wisely. "On the heels of some bad poll numbers, Rick Wiley ( Campaign Manager for the Senator ). " Republicans dont want that kind of campaign, But Perry has already showed his hand and decided to take that road, Vintage Perry". Ha - Ha I thought, because I hate when the politicians get personnal and start name calling, it's irrelavant. I also thought it was amusing to learn that Sen. Hutchinson herself is having her "opps" get copies of these and all papers out there on herself. They want to make sure their as close to the truth as possible, in my opinion.
A little history on Governor Perry is he was sworn in as the states 47th Governor on December 21, 2000. He was a fifth generation Texan, and graduated from A & M. He also served in the United States Air Force.
As far as Hutchinson; she was sworn in as the only women to represent the state in the Senate in 1993, in 2000 she was re-elected with a large majority vote, then in 2006 re-elected again by a large number. She has a huge resume, if I was to list her credentials I would be here all day. In 2008 though she was a supporter of " The Right to Bear Arms Law ".
I think this article was interesting , because it's thirteen months before election and their already gettin the goods on each other. Sen. Hutchinson hasn't even said if she is going to run for governor in the next election. Also, this year has already been governmental chaos, why actually add to it about something thats so far away?